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…. une question orale à la Commission européenne sur le virus de Schmallenberg, aux côtés de mon collègue de l’Alliance des Démocrates et des Libéraux pour l’Europe (ADLE) Georges Lyon.  Ce virus, nouvellement apparu en Europe en 2011 touche les ovins et les bovins, provoquant des maladies congénitales foetales ; les premiers cas sont apparus en France, en Moselle et en Meurthe-et-Moselle en janvier 2012. Nous demandons à la commission les mesures qu’elle entend adopter.

Voici la question déposée :

« Since Autumn 2011, the Schmallenberg virus (SBV) outbreak has spread across much of Europe with cases reported in Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the United Kingdom and is causing, in particular, a range of deformities and stillbirths in sheep, goats and cattle.

 As the disease appears to be spread by midges, it is likely that it will spread further as temperatures in the Spring rise and lambing and calving seasons begin.

Can the Commission outline what measures it is taking to address this outbreak and what its plans are should public health concerns arise?

Can the Commission explain, in particular, what action it has taken to ensure increased surveillance and the coordination of data collection in all Member States as recommended by EFSA in its preliminary technical report on SBV published early 2012? »

8 mars 2012