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Say NO to prostitution!

LIBE / Mon action

Say NO to prostitution!

Nathalie Griesbeck soutient la campagne du Lobby Européen des Femmes « Together for a Europe free from prostitution » ou « Ensemble pour une Europe libérée de la prostitution ». La campagne du LEF intitulée ‘Ensemble pour une Europe libérée de la prostitution’, interpelle les individus, les gouvernements nationaux et l’Union européenne à mettre fin à la tolérance sociétale persistante envers l’exploitation sexuelle et économique des personnes dans la prostitution, dont la vaste majorité sont des femmes.

Plus d’informations sur le site Womenlobby.

Le message de soutien Nathalie Griesbeck (France, ALDE)

One cannot fight against violence against women without fighting against prostitution, which is without doubt the major form of violence that can target women. It is a fundamental violation of human rights and we have to fight against this form of exploitation, which is absolutely incompatible with the values we defend. Prostitution is a very serious issue as it is a form of violence which is totally trivialised, and I hope that the EWL campaign will allow for a large debate on trafficking in human beings and prostitution in Europe, its causes, its consequences and all inherent challenges, notably the criminalisation of the buying of sex. Therefore, I need to bring my support to the campaign ’Together for a Europe free from prostitution’. The increasing migration flows of women for purposes of prostitution constitutes a real challenge for the European authorities in charge with regards to the fight organised crime, the respect for women’s rights and access to care. We need to act now.

29 mai 2012